The Norman Hackerman Building provides modern education, research and development space for the College of Natural Sciences with technology-enabled classroom/seminar space, undergraduate teaching laboratories, and research laboratories for the Institute for Neuroscience, The Center for Learning and Memory, and Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Sophisticated core facilities – including a center for imaging and analysis, an NMR facility, and an electron microscopy core facility – provide advanced infrastructure.

The modern design builds upon the architectural and visual aesthetic of the UT campus core. It incorporates both LEED and Labs 21 sustainable design strategies, and is LEED Gold certified. Sustainable strategies include a large rooftop solar array, a condensate recovery system, and high-performance building envelope. CO Architects: Executive & Design Architect; Taniguchi Architects: Associate Architect

Project Name
Norman Hackerman Building
300,000 GSF
The University of Texas at Austin
Completion Date
Interior Design
Austin, TX
- Associated General Contractors of America, Austin Chapter, 2010 Outstanding Construction Award
- Associated General Contractors of America, Austin Chapter, 2014 Outstanding Construction Award (Floors 2-6 Finish-out)

“CO’s efforts have led to a very successful project that will provide an outstanding facility for our research programs. I must compliment the firm not only for its excellent services, but the patience and dedication to UTA’s needs displayed during the programming, design and building process.”
Jim Shackelford, Director of Capital Planning & Construction, The University of Texas at Austin